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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 7, 2017 1:00am-2:01am PST

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hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and away the world. we're following two major stories for you this hour on cnn newsroom. u.s. intelligence officials have released declassified report on election hacking directly pointing the finger of blame at the russian president vladimir putin. it says the kremlin was aim to go hurt hillary clinton and help donald trump take the white house. more on that in a moment. but first, we turn to ft. lauderdale in florida. the airport there should fully reopen in around an hour's time. a gunman shot and killed five
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people in the baggage claim area on friday afternoon. he wounded another eight people. the fbi has a suspect in custody, but they don't have a motive yet. they say esteban santiago flew to florida from alaska on friday. he's a former national guards man and he was in the army reserves. he was not crucially on any government watch lists, but santiago did voluntarily visit fbi offices in alaska just a few months ago. he said at the time that he was hearing voices and some of them wanted him to join isis. >> with these types of incidents as horrific as they are, we are looking at all avenues. we have now ruled out terrorism and we will be pursuing every angle to try to determine the motive behind this attack and any associates, any connections, communication, everything that you can imagine i assure you we are pursuing every possible
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lead. >> horror, fear and confuse took charge inside the airport. randi kaye takes us through the time line of events as we hear there witnesses who ran for their lives. >> we're having a building evacuation at terminal two. >> reporter: it's just before 1:00 p.m. when a gurp mnman ope fire at ft. lauderdale-hollywood international airport. he's inside baggage claim. >> he came up right where we were and he was shooting people down on the ground, too. >> reporter: he says they tried to help the victims. >> my wife applied pressure to the gentleman who was right next to us. he had been shot in the head. all the people seemed to be shot in the head. we checked the man next to him, had no vital signs. he was gone. >> reporter: another witness tells cnn his plane had just landed and some victims are his fellow passengers. >> everybody started running.
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i grabbed our kids and we took off running down the ramp. until the flight attendant let us out on the tar making, we rap out on the tarmac to hide behind luggage carts. >> reporter: the airport is immediately shut down,all passengers are evacuated. they run to the tarmac in search of safety. authorities quickly zero in on the suspect. >> we have this shooter in custody. he's unharmed. no law enforcement fired any shots. >> reporter: apprehended but not before these horrifying moments. by now, it's 1:43 p.m. and the broward county sheriff's office tweets that multiple people are dead, some lucky enough to be alive are left bleeding. someone posted video of this passenger being treated on the sidewalk. by 2:00 p.m., the official count is three dead, minutes later it's up to five dead.
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at least eight are injured. by midafternoon, florida's senior center says the tsa has told him who did this. >> the shooter is esteban santiago. he had a military i.d. we don't know if that is an accurate i.d. or if it is a current i.d. >> reporter: but it's not over. about 2:20 p.m., word of more gunfire. police are seen scrambling on the tarmac and near the parking garage. once again passengers spill on to the tarmac. others duck behind parked cars. >> everybody just sprinted outside again. so we just ran out again. i honestly don't know what's happening. >> reporter: at 2:33 p.m., a tweet from the tsa, active shooter the fll, shelter in place, airport closed. sniper teams are put on alert. >> we have a variety of s.w.a.t. teams and assets out clearing the entire airport.
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>> reporter: no other gun man is found. >> at this point it looked like he acted alone. >> reporter: officials won't say if the suspect was targeting someone on an arriving flight or if he's cooperating. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> let's get much more on this. i want to bring in jeffrey thomas, an aviation perspective, joining us from skype. great to have you on the program. we want to talk about airport security to start off with. should we be alarmed that this individual was able to check in a firearm when he'd already flagged himself up to authorities? >> absolutely. it is a troubling background to this gentleman from what has been reported to us. the fact that he had some problems apparently, allegedly, and then indeed checked this
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firearm with his checked baggage which of course is allowed in certain states of the united states. and that was nothing illegal this doing that. however of course what transpired of course was a terrible tragedy. but the problem we've got here is that although some cases it's legal, some cases it's illegal, if somebody wants to perpetrate something like this, whether legal or not, is not going to stop them. and this is the big challenge for the industry is wherever you have large numbers of people congregating like an airport, to board an airplane, to check in at an airport, you have bags, all sorts of different types of banks. then you have a recipe for where this can happen again. and over the last 35 year, we've
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had 26 such arpirport tragedies. so it's unfortunately nothing new. >> i wonder if the airport could have done more though. not just because this individual has flagged himself up, but also because he had ammunition with him. it wasn't just a firearm. so surely should there be a process where anyone carrying a gun through international airports should be monitored as they are going to collect their baggage? >> that's a very good point. you're right. this is something that i guess we'll have to have a good hard look like. it's like the shoe bomber. we all have to take our shoes off now. and as different terrorist acts occur, it just results in more restrictions on travel. and as it is, the tsa and other authorities around the world are really struggling with the amount of checking and inconvenience that passengers
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have to go through because of these terrible random acts of terrorism. it's a very vexing problem and the other issue is 100,000 flights a day around the world, about 10 million people get on airplanes every day. that is an enormous logistics exercise to increase further the intrusiveness of security checking. we have to go through at the moment. >> and what about cctv, as well, some suggestion that perhaps he had gone into the bathroom before opening fire on the terrified people in this terminal. perhaps more cctv or perhaps more collaboration between social media agencies and authorities, airport authorities, would just help provide a bigger picture of when attacks could be in the offing. >> yes, that's a possibility. although, you know, in the few seconds to pull a gun out of a bag, what cctv could do with the
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authorities to alert them, you're talking seconds here. the problem is if somebody wants to do this, it's very easy to do it. particularly in a society where guns are permitted. they could have it a in a handbag or just simply in their top pocket. it's very easy to perpetrate something like this in a society where guns are freely available. that's the problem. >> guns fall into the hands of vulnerable people and making everyone else more vulnerable around them we have to leave it there. we appreciate your expertise. still to come, u.s. intelligence is certain that russia tried to influence the presidential election, but donald trump's reaction has many u.s. officials and others scratching their heads.
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a declassified version of a report on russian hacking concludes that vladimir putin was behind it. u.s. intelligence agencies say
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the russian president ordered a multipronged campaign to hurt hillary clinton. it says putin was motivated by an old grudge against clinton and a clear preference for donald trump. both the cia and fbi said they have high confidence in these conclusions. the report also warns, quote, moscow will apply lessons learned from its putin ordered campaign aimed at the u.s. presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide including against u.s. allies and their election processes. donald trump's reaction to the revelations in the intelligence report was luke warm at best. here is jim sciutto with that part of the story. >> reporter: tonight a declassified version of the intelligence community's report on russian hacking concluded that, quote, putin and the russian government developed a clear preference for president-elect donald trump. russian president vladimir putin ordered an influence campaign in
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2016 aimed at the u.s. presidential election. russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the u.s. democratic process, denigrate secretary clinton and harm her elect ability and potential presidency. the russian's assault on the u.s. election used several different techniques blending, quote, company verse ivert intelligence voergss with overt agencies, third party intermediaries and paid social media users or trolls. it also says, quote, when it appeared to moscow that secretary clinton was likely to win the election, the russian influence campaign began to focus more on undermining her future presidency. following the briefing, the president-elect said in a statement, quote, i had a constructive meeting and conversation with the leaders of the intelligence community. i have tremendous respect for the work and service done by the men and women of this community to our great nation. however, trump made clear he
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believes the hacks do not tapt his election victory. quote, there is absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election including the fact that there was no tamper ing whatsoever with voting machines. intelligence assessment confirmed that being thatting was not involved in vote tallying. but in a statement trump never specifically acknowledged that russia was behind the hacks. despite the clear intelligence assessment and overwhelming bipartisan agreement on russia's involvement. >> i think that is the one thing in a statement that he should have acknowledged, that whether you're a republican or a testimony, we are not going to tolerate a country like russia trying to interfere in our election process. >> reporter: donald trump and some of his surrogates have made the point that only the democrats were hacked here and that's why only democratic material was released, but in fact this report contradicts that and says that the cyber ops targeted both major political
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parties, but because material stolen from the democrats, only that material was released in the days and weeks leading up to the election, it is in large part because of that that the community concluded that the intention here was to weaken hillary clinton and help donald trump. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. some u.s. democratic lawmakers are calling for a bipartisan commission to further investigate the depth of russian influence in the u.s. political process. for reaction from moscow, let's bring in fred pleitgen. i'm curious to know what the xr kremlin are saying. is this an embarrassment or compliment? >> i would say that they would be angry about the results coming out of the report. there hasn't been any official comment yet from the kremlin at all. however russian media outlets, state owned ones and also senior russian lawmakers have been commenting and they have been quite angry.
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there is for instance former head of the russian parliament's foreign relation committee who came out with a series of tweets, he is very active on twitter, early this morning and late last night clearly right after reading that declassified version of that report where he says that it's not russsia that is undermining democracy, it is the u.s., blaming the obama administration for the poor relations with russia. and of course the russians have always said that they flat out denny of the allegations and there is nothing to indicate that they would change that stance even since this declassified versionof the alle there is nothing to indicate that they would change that stance even since this declassified version came out. what we're hearing from media outlets an russian officials, they feel that what has been put out in the public so far is very thin, that there is very little in the way of substance in there, there is very little actual evidence to suggest that russia was behind this. a lot of the conclusions are there, but very little else.
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one of the things that they take issue with a lot is this allegation that russia is spreading fake news in the united states, that there is some sort of russian campaign to try to influence the mindset in the united states. in fact the russian state owned media channel rt put out a very, very long article earlier today basically refuting all of the things that were said in that tee classified report that came out from the intelligence community there in the united states. and basically just going through one by one true all these allegations and trying to refute them all. so there certainly is i would say frustration, some anger here in moscow, but also a lot of combativeness where the russians are continuing to say that it wasn't them and especially saying that they don't have any sort of media or fake news campaign going on in the united states. >> substance or no substance in this intelligence, this could really damage relations between the u.s. and russia even further
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particularly between president-elect trump and mr. putin. >> there certainly could be the potential. one of the things that was viewed with a lot of interest here in moscow was the fact that donald trump came out with a statement shortly afterwards where he also mentioned russia as trying to hack into sensitive u.s. information. however mentioning it along with china and other state and nonstate actors. so i think that was something viewed very closely here in moscow to see whether he would come out with a tough statement toward the russians or whether or not it would be more general as he did. the mood here in moscow is one that they believe after january 20th, there could be somewhat of a reset, if we can use that word, of relations between russia and the united states. obviously they're hoping for concessions from the u.s. especially when it comes to loosening and possibly getting rid of some of the very crippling sanctions on the russian economy. it seems almost something that
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they are banking on. for instance the rue bell oig has risen a little as it gets closer to when he comes into office. whether or not that will happen, whether or not all this will translate into policy of course is something that they're still waiting to see. >> okay. fred, appreciate it. thank you. donald trump's lack of outrage over russia's meddling in the u.s. election is puzzling to many americans including the u.s. president barack obama. mr. obama said people should remember russian interests are not the same as u.s. interests. >> i think that what is true is that the russians intended to meddle and they meddled. i'll be honest but, one of the things that i am concerned about is the degree to which we've seen a lot of commentary lately where there are republicans or pundits or cable commentators
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who seem to have more confidence in vladimir putin than fellow americans because those fellow americans are democrats. that cannot be. >> does that include the president-elect? >> well, what i will say is -- and i said this right after the election -- we have to remind ourselves we're on the same team. vladimir putin is not on our team. >> for his analysis of the u.s. election and russian hacking scandal, i'm joined now by the assistant head of the u.s. and americas program at the chatham house think tank. thanks very much for coming in. how difficult a position is donald trump now in given the fact that he's questioned the reliability of his own intelligence reports? does he now have to act against putin? >> he doesn't have to act necessarily. but he's been put in a very difficult position because this report, at least the unclassified version that is available to the public, doesn't really produce a lot of new
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information, but it does put the premature until against community on it. it means those hawkishly inclined toward russia can pipt to it and say this is the high confidence of cia and high confidence of the fbi and moderate kevin duraconfidence o inform sa that they actively worked to get you elected. and the people charge d with resetting trump's relations with russia, it will make it more difficult. >> and what do you make of the idea that president putin personally authorized this sort of hacking, that it's gone right to the very top there? what is at stake for uhe tvladi putin as an individual? >> on the one hand it's very gikt from the uncrass filed report to verify whether that is true. just based on the general sump we can say that he must have been involved, but it's very
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difficult based upon what is released to the public to draw that linkage. and of course the intelligence community wouldn't be annual to say so publicly because that would divulge presumably their most sensitive sources and methods. so there is a stalemate there. and i think in a way putin has gone with this strategy because it doesn't present a risk for him. there is no really credible threat that the united states can make in response to this are or that any other country. and that's why he's adopted it as a strategy that's why it's effective. >> i guess one of the the reasons that donald trump has been slow to approve all of his own intelligence agencies reports is because it's somehow delegitimizes his own election win. but does it also perhaps comply that his team were complicit or aware of russian hacking and that's why they stood by and let hillary clinton lose while they took the victory? >> there is no indication again in the unclassified person of any u.s. person connected formally or informally to trump's campaign who was aware of the hacking. that would be a very serious
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crime presumably if there would be evidence of that, there would be more of an indication. but we really don't know because again you get into the question of what are the sensitive sources and methods, what can actually beity vul divulged to the public. only thing we know is that the conclusions are the same. >> and if russia has done this in one election process in the u.s., it could presumably deploy the same kind of tactics for german presidential elections coming up next year, france, as well. >> i don't see any reason why they wouldn't. they have seen -- their objective may have been initially to just discord and disunity in the united states. i'm sure that they take trump being elected as a boon to their interests. trump is certainly more friendly to russian interests than was hillary clinton. so i think that regardless of what their actual objective was, i think that they see this as a successful playbook and they don't see any particular reason not to do it injacob, many than
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joining us. now, investigators in florida are trying to understand what could have made a u.s. veteran open fire on a crowded airport. more on the suspected gunman's background just ahead here on cnn "newsroom." thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm hannah vaughn jones here in london. investigators are trying to figure out a motive in the mass shooting at the ft. lauderdale airport. they say this man, esteban santiago, opened fire killing five people and wounding at least eight others before he was ap pre-helpeded by police.
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santiago had it is played some red flags of late, but law enforcement officials didn't consider him to be dangerous. pamela brown looks at santiago's background. >> reporter: we've learned the suspect in the shooting at the ft. lauderdale airport flew from anchorage to ft. lauderdale on friday after the passengers deplaned, he got his checked bag from baggage claim and according to witnesses came back out of the restroom and started firing in the baggage claim area killing five people. he then surrendered to authorities and was not injured. and we've been looking back at his past. he was apparently in the alaskan national guard and received a general discharge in august of 2016, which means there had been some issues. we're told he had stopped showing up at the guard and later he went to the fbi office in anchorage back in november and reported that his behind was being controlled by a u.s. intelligence agency and that voices were in his head pushing
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him to join isis. but he didn't wish do harm to anyone and an official says he appeared agitated, his statements were in-company her ren incoherent. they saw that he had served in iraq, but no apparent radicalization and the determination made that it should be handled by local authorities and he underwent a mental health evaluation. n next thing we know, he opened fire in ft. lauderdale. the motive still undecember investigation. although everything the suspect did en route to florida was completely legal, this incident could cause airlines to reconsider their policies on passengers traveling with weapons. tom foreman shows us how santiago made his way into the terminal. >> reporter: this is the ft. lauderdale airport. based on everything that we have heard about this alleged shooter's travel plans, after leaving alaska, laying over in
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minneapolis and heading here this, is where he would have arrived, terminal two, specifically gate five. it we move in, i can show you that gate five is the one right back in this area. people on some of the planes say the walk from here down to the baggage area would be about 50 or 60 yards if he traveled the same way that you would expect somebody to normally do on a plane like this. it would be a path something like this through the area down to the escalator down here and then down to the baggage area. the baggage area is all in here, that's where he would have retrieved his bag with the gun in it if the witness accounts are correct. and then people talk about him going into a restroom. there is one here and there. so he could have gone in and come right back out firing roughly about 45 minutes after his plane officially touched down. and we do know some of the victims were actually right in this area. and what about this business of taking a gun on a plane some as
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a civilian, you cannot do that in a carry-on bag, but it is perfectly legal for you to do it in a checked bag. aside from local and state regulations, here's what the tsa say the federal regulations are. you must tell the airline that you can carrying a firearm. it must be unloaded. you can't have any shells in the chamber or in a clip that is loaded on to it. it must be in a locking hard shell case and only you can have the key and the combination. you can't have a whole lot of people with that information. and lastly, if you are carrying ammunition, that also has to be locked up. many gun owners will actually lock it in with the gun itself. >> tom foreman reporting there. one shooting survivor says his laptop and his backpack may have saved his life. he spoke to anderson cooper about his chilling experience inside the airport terminal. >> i dropped to the ground, and i heard more of the popping sounds. and then while i'm on the floor, i'm seeing people in front of me
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get hit. >> you actually saw that. >> i saw that. there was a man probably ten feet ahead of me was shot in the head and his wife collapsed on top of him. and -- >> was he shot when he was standing up or was he on the floor? >> we were all on the floor about. >> so the shooter just shot somebody laying down on the floor? >> it was from a certain distance. shooter was not necessarily walking around the whole baggage claim area. he was still several feet away from many of us. but he kind of shot into the crowd and toward the floor and hit that man. >> was he saying at all before or during the shooting? >> he said absolutely nothing. he said absolutely nothing. and so there was a point where the entire terminal of the baggage area was completely silent and all we could hear was just the popping of the gun. >> that's how you railroad it,
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people not screaming, you remember silence? >> the people screaming were the people that might have been hurt or people that were next to someone or a loved one that was hit. >> i understand you had a backpack with you. and that actually saved you or may have saved you. what happened? >> the backpack saved my life. i was wearing a backpack on both shoulders and then when we went to the floor, i just -- i dropped and the backpack was still on my back. and it was turned in such a way that at one point when the shooter shot towards my direction, there were several other people around me, there was a bullet that ricocheted. and i did not know this until after -- until much later. i felt something hit my back and i craned around and i thought -- because the luggage was still
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coming. so there was luggage that was falling on top of me, too. and i thought it was just luggage at that time. and it was only later that when i went to the bathroom to check myself out that the bullet had entered my backpack, hit my laptop and then later when i gave my back over to the fbi for investigation, they found the bullet in the pocket of my backpack. >> that is incredible. so your laptop saved your life. your laptop stopped the bullet. >> the laptop and i believe the fabric of the backpack. so the laptop, plastic casing, all of that combination. because i was on the ground like a tortoise with the backpack on me. the way in a it ricocheted and entered my bag, that would have been himy back. >> that was a shooting witness, steve, speaking to anderson cooper earlier on. still ahead on the program this hour, donald trump's action
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plan to counter cyberattacks, we'll hear from a senior adviser to the u.s. president-elect. sometimes you just know when you hit a home run.
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u.s. prsk tuchl says he will trump says he will set up a team to try to stop cyberattacks. even if russia did what it is accuse of doing, it did not change the outcome of the
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presidential election. here's what donald trump's senior adviser jack kingston told wolf blitzer on friday. >> what was clear, that there was no effect of the results because of this. no tampering of machines. and no motive that was found and so forth. so i think that the good part about this report and today's action and the hearings this week is that maybe we can get beyond the politics and say okay, what do we do about this because we know russia isn't loan. there is china and other nations always trying to hack into our computer systems. what can we do about that. and then one other question if we're going to continue, and we as a community of maybe critics in washington, d.c., where was the president, if this was going on in 2015, 2016, why did the president wait to this fall to talk to putin about it and even when he did talk to putin about it, he said you guys need to cut that out.
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those were ahis word. seems like it would have been a much bigger deal for the president of the united states and would have merited him sitting down with putin saying what the heck are you doing and if you're going to continue to do this, we're going to get involved. >> that is a fair criticism, that even some democrats like adam schiff, diane feinstein, have leveled against the president, that he waited too long to launch the sanctions and punish russia. but i just want to get your personal understanding to you agree with this line from this report. "we further assess that putin and the russian government developed a clear preference for president-elect trump, we have high confidence in these judgments." do you agree with that? >> i would accept that. but, you know, again now that we have this report, can we get i don't understand i don't understand the political side of it and say what are we going to do from this point forward.i do
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understand the political side of it and say what are we going to do from this point forward. donald trump called for a 90 day action plan. he will put dan coats, general flynn everybody to task immediately to come back with what are we going to do about this, how do we prevent it from other nations and sole actors that are out there. i think the president-elect has acted in a very responsible manner and he also complimented the intelligence community. so i think he wants the public debate over with and let's move to constructive solutions how do you learn from it and what can we do going forward. >> just reminder that was donald trump's senior adviser jack kingston, former republican congress than from georgia speaking to wolf blitzer. staying with u.s. politics and the first lady has not been someone who hides how she feels. an michelle obama's last
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official speech was no exception. she was hosting top high school counselors from all around the country and she got extremely emotional and some of the guests also cried as she spoke. michelle kozinski has more now from the white house. >> as i end my time in the white house, i can think of for better message to send to our young people. something that has carried us through every moment in this white house and every moment of our lives, and that is the power of hope. the belief that something better is always possible if you're willing to work for it and fight for it. it is our fundamental belief in the power of hope that has allowed us to rise above the voices of doubt and division, of anger and fear that we have faced in our own lives and in the life of this country. >> reporter: in a crowd of educators, advocates, school
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counselors, the first lady took this opportunity to speak to america's youth about america's values and as someone who over eight years has emerged as one of the most powerful voices for democrats, from her emotional speech at the convention last year -- >> i wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. and i watched my daughters, two beautiful intelligent black young women, playing with their dogs on the white house lawn. >> reporter: -- to her surprising words just days ago with oprah winfrey. >> see now we're feeling what not having hope feels like. >> reporter: here she didn't miss the chance to once again hit out at the kind of rhetoric she has said defined the trump campaign. >> if you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud american tradition. and whether you are muslim,
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christian, jewish, hindu, these religions are teaching our young people will justice and compassion and honesty. you see, our glorious diversity, our diversity of faiths and colors and creeds, that is not a threat to who we are. it makes us who we are. >> reporter: noting, too, that it comes with responsibility. half of those young people she is speaking to didn't vote at all. >> you cannot take your freedoms for granted. empower yourselves with a good education. then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. lead by example with hope. never fear. and know that i will be with you rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life. and i am so grateful to all of you for your passion and your dedication and all the hard work
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on behalf of our next generation. and i can think of no better way to end my time as first lady than celebrating with all of you. so i want to close today by simply saying thank you. thank you for everything you do for our kids and for our country. being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and i hope i've made you proud. >> you got the sense that that was difficult to deliver. her face was serious throughout. not smiling very much. the emotion seemed difficult to keep under control. and it was surprising just days ago to hear her words in an interview with oprah winfrey when she said now we're feeling what not having hope feels like. well, here the message was continued hope. and then afterwards friday night here at the white house, the obamas hosted a star-studded farewell party. also this weekend president obama is expected to work on his
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farewell speech that he will deliver next week in chicago. the white house says his goal is to keep a optimistic and forward-looking. michelle kozinski, cnn, the white house. >> that was an emotional farewell from the u.s. first lady. next on cnn, derek van dam has our weather forecast including a look at a winter storm targeting parts of the southeast u.s. do stay with us for more. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine®. bring out the bold™
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welcome back. a wintry mix of snow, ice and rain is moving through parts of the southeastern united states right now. in georgia, leaders declared a state of emergency due to the threat of severe weather. 3 to 5 inches of snow or more may fall in atlanta. it looks like these guys are making the most of it having a lot of fun playing in some of that ice and snow. derek van dam joining us with the latest from cnn weather center. it looks like lots of fun to be had, but risks, as well. >> absolutely. it will be a rude awakening for
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people in atlanta. we didn't get the snow that we originally anticipated. there is a lot of meteorological reasons for this. but basically it fell as freezing rain and that is probably the worst case scenario out of all of this. this is a very familiar sight here across atlanta if we go back to 2014, we had the quote/unquote snowpocalypse that took place just really stalling the entire city for several days on end. i don't want to say that that is the situation that we're dealing with in atlanta, but eerily similar. i snapped this photo and you can see the icicles on some of the overpasses and light fixtures overhead. it is a significant scene out there. people will have to drive with care. if they do get out on the roadways this morning as they wake up, we are measuring the ice accumulation for the metro atlanta area between a quarter to half an inch in some of the locations. and the problem is that when we
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start factoring in the stronger wind gusts and all the ice that has accumulated on let's say the trees for instance, we have the potential to see those tree branches fall off, perhaps causing power outages. definitely a concern going forward. there are several thousand people in in atlanta metro that have already lost power from this storm system. the good news is however that the back side of the system already moving through atlanta, so now we need to start focusing our attention further to the north and east because this storm is not done. places like charlotte into norfolk and even further north towards the nation's capital, we're in a full-on winter storm. in fact norfolk has a blizzard warning as we speak. so they will expect upwards of a foot of snowfall before it's all said and done. we have another 8 to 12 hours of snowfall across this region. you can see the winter storm warnings stretching from alabama, north georgia into the carolinas as well as virginia. even further north, as well, this morning you're out of the warning, but boston into parts
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of massachusetts, rhode island and connecticut, you have a winter storm warning because you're next. this system continues to move along the east coast so skimming the coastal regions, that means interstate 95 will be a mess today traveling across that region. i'll take you to the other side of the united states, the west coast bracing themselves for another plume of moisture called the pineapple express. we call it that you because we can trace it all the way back towards its originating point which is hawaii. and that will pick up a significant amount of moisture from the pacific ocean, dump it in the form of snow in the higher elevations. good news for the ski resorts, but in the valleys and lower elevations, it will be significant amounts of rain and that means we have a great flood potential, could be the worst in 10 to 15 years. we will be measuring it in feet. sacramento valley is expecting flooding with the potential of 10 inches of rainfall through the course of the rainfall and into the early parts of next
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week. we'll take you across the world, this is cnn international, so we will talk about the weather in istanbul, turkey. this is a photo taken from a buddy of mine heading to work and this is atturk airport dealing with snow causing delays and a beautiful sight sight, too? >> classic winter cocktail of snow, ice and rain. thank you very much. that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm hannah vaughn jones in london. i'll be back with another hour of news from around the world after this break. sometimes you just know when you hit a home run.
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welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we're following two major stories for you this half hour. cyber hacking of the u.s. presidential race. there's new information concluding that vladimir putin stumped for trump behind the scenes but first let's turn our attention to the u.s. state of florida where police are trying to figure out why an iraqi war veteran opened fire in an airport baggage claim area. flights are expected to resume soon at the airport. a gunman opened fire there on friday afternoon killing five people. witnesses say he shot at random inside the airport's baggage claim. the fbi does have a suspect in custody, but they don't yet have a motive. they aren't ruling


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